Las lanzaderas de empleo y emprendimiento, instrumentos innovadores contra el desempleo: aspectos jurídicos y de política laboral



Published 23-01-2016
Jesús Esteban Cárcar Benito


The employment and entrepreneurship shuttles represent a change of approach in employment policies developed so far. They represent a new philosophy in social intervention in unemployment, calling for change and action, committed and proactive work team to unemployed people, who regain the hope and discover all the skills and abilities they have to find gainful employment or develop their own business project The new collaborative economy and employment shuttles in particular raise questions, in my view, in two fields of labor law. On the one hand, the problem of qualification of the relationship of the shuttles is with their peers, although they generally function as intermediaries that implement its relations with its users as a private agreement without a professional nature. Sometimes, there may be some degree of direction and control by promoters which opens the door to estimate that there is a relationship with some level of dependency and address. The second question to address is whether the provision of auxiliary services by individuals is not performed from a business structure like a company or directly by the administration itself, it should be properly categorize it. This is a question to consider, given the protective nature of labor legislation. This paper seeks to provide a route on the legal, economic and labor intervention issues, labor policy for employment.

How to Cite

Cárcar Benito, J. E. (2016). Las lanzaderas de empleo y emprendimiento, instrumentos innovadores contra el desempleo: aspectos jurídicos y de política laboral. Lan Harremanak, (32).
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Panel 3