Otros modelos de empresa en la economía solidaria: entre la retórica y la práctica



Published 26-04-2016
Juan Carlos Pérez de Mendiguren Castresana Enekoitz Etxezarreta Etxarri


This article offers a critical enquiry on the feasibility of creating «different business models» based on the premises of what has been named as the Solidarity Economy. The article reviews from a theoretical and empirical perspective what constitute the building blocks of the Solidarity Economy Organizations, and dwelling on the existing empirical evidence, it looks into the challenges and trade-offs faced by these organizations in their way towards the construction of «another economy»

How to Cite

Pérez de Mendiguren Castresana, J. C., & Etxezarreta Etxarri, E. (2016). Otros modelos de empresa en la economía solidaria: entre la retórica y la práctica. Lan Harremanak, (33). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.16110
Abstract 625 | PDF (Español) Downloads 538


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