Industry 4.0: How does digitalization affect the social protection system?



Published 20-12-2018
Enea Ispizua Dorna


We analyze the concept of the industry 4.0 and the impact of the fourth revolution, digitization and robotization have had in the labour market, specifically in the viability and financial sustainability of the current social protection system. To that end, the alternatives or proposals raised by some authors go from the creation of a specific tax for robots, through the social quotation of robots, to the introduction of a universal basic income.

How to Cite

Ispizua Dorna, E. (2018). Industry 4.0: How does digitalization affect the social protection system?. Lan Harremanak, (40).
Abstract 1535 | PDF (Español) Downloads 1271



digitization, robotization, social security, universal basic income, 4.0 industry.

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