Pensioners' movement, a long-range phenomenon



Published 20-12-2018
Luis Alejos Escarpe


The defense of the public system of retirement pensions provides such novel aspects that it constitutes an unique phenomenon. Its or-ganization, the scenes where it is carried out and the long duration of the conflict are its most relevant features. To find similar experiences we should go back to the times of the workers movement in the Franco regime and in the transition to democracy. It is not a coincidence that those who revitalize this struggle were then in their youth and also com-mitted to several causes. Pensioners' mobilizations are a great occurrence worthy of being considered. Its problems have already been addressed in university summer courses. This article analyses its origins and its career from a sociological perspective, not intending to include aspects concern-ing politics, law or economics.

How to Cite

Alejos Escarpe, L. (2018). Pensioners’ movement, a long-range phenomenon. Lan Harremanak, (40).
Abstract 646 | PDF (Español) Downloads 484



pensioners, recognitions, demonstrations, organization.

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