The intersections between in-work poverty and low pay: keys to understanding an increasingly divergent relationship



Published 12-05-2022
Peru Dominguez Olabide


In-work poverty and low-wages evaluate realities of a different nature within the framework of the relationship between employment and poverty. In the case of low-wages, the core of the analysis is whether an individual is below a certain threshold of the wage distribution. In contrast, in-work poverty focuses on the situations of poverty in the household, where in addition to the wage level of workers, other factors come into play. In the past, when the breadwinner model of family was hegemonic, there used to be a close relationship between both phenomena. However, parallel to the mounting diversity in household composition, the link between the two has become more complex. This paper seeks to delve deeper into the intersections between in-work poverty and low-wages to try to shed some light into the elements that have driven to the increasing dissociation between the two phenomena.

How to Cite

Dominguez Olabide, P. (2022). The intersections between in-work poverty and low pay: keys to understanding an increasingly divergent relationship . Lan Harremanak, (47).
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