The right to digital disconnection from the point of view of occupational risk prevention
In a context of technological, organisational and cultural changes in the world of work, online work -using digital devices and tools- is taking on great importance to the detriment of face-to-face work, as a consequence of the digitalisation of the economy and the pandemic caused by Covid-19. In response to the emergence of new forms of work organisation, Law 10/2021 of 9 July on remote work (former RD-Law 28/2020) has been passed. This article focuses on the analysis of the right to digital disconnection in the current legal system, as a tool for preventing occupational risks arising from teleworking or remote work at a time of maximum hyperconnectivity due to the use of digital technologies, and as a guarantee of occupational health and safety. To this end, the need to address the right to digital disconnection from a preventive point of view is highlighted.
How to Cite
telework, digital disconnection, occupational risk prevention, occupational health and safety, collective bargaining
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