The scope of the right to strike in contexts of productive outsourcing



Published 16-06-2022


Since the end of the last century, the doctrine and jurisprudence have been outlining the legal limits of the new business practices aimed at nullifying the effects of the exercise of the strike, all of them included in the concept of strike strike. The current regulation of this fundamental right is scarce and dates back to 1977. This implies that, in order to clarify the judicial criterion applicable to new labor realities such as productive decentralization, it is necessary to review the evolution and consolidation of the jurisprudence that has emerged after the arrival of these trends in the economy of our time. From this, it can be concluded that the courts have gone from censuring only the replacement of strikers by workers from outside the company (external strike scabs) to declaring other types not expressly included in the law contrary to law, such as the replacement of strikers by workers belonging to the company. to contracting companies.

How to Cite

RUIZ SAURA, J. E. (2022). The scope of the right to strike in contexts of productive outsourcing. Lan Harremanak, (47).
Abstract 342 | PDF (Español) Downloads 237



strike, fundamental right, productive outsourcing, subcontracting, external scab

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