An overview of employment contracts after the last reform contained in Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, of december 28
Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, of December 28, on urgent measures for labor reform, the guarantee of employment stability and the transformation of the labor market, does not repeal, but only modifies and corrects some aspects of the labor reform of the year 2012. The most transcendental changes that have occurred in this legislative modification have been, without a doubt, in terms of employment contracts, and have meant an absolute transformation of the legal regime of existing employment contracts up to now. For this reason, it is convenient to make a presentation of the main modalities of labor contracting, after the modifications operated by the aforementioned Royal Decree-Law 32/2021, and describe its new legal regime, as well as its characteristics and its most significant changes, highlighting and commenting on the latest news for the current year 2022.
In the present work, we will be able to verify that modifications have been introduced in the Workers' Statute to generalize permanent contracts and set limits to temporary employment in the Spanish labor market. In this way, contracts for specific work and service, interim contracts and temporary contracts have been eliminated, although fixed-term contracts are still possible, but only due to production circumstances and replacement of a worker. In addition, a new regulation of training contracts and discontinuous fixed contracts has been carried out. Likewise, in the specific construction sector, it has been possible to regulate the new permanent contracts assigned to construction.
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Work contract, duration of the work contract, Workers' Statute, labor market, labor contracting modalities, labor reform
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