Gaps around the qualification of occupational accident in the telework mode
Law 10/2021, of 9 July, on remote work, defines telework as a form of remote work characterized by the use of technological tools and by the performance of the work activity outside the company's workplace, generally , at the home of the worker or place that he chooses. This new form of work organization brings with it the appearance of new risks and, consequently, the possibility of suffering accidents. For this reason, this article highlights, on the one hand, the existence of certain gaps that the Law suffers from, such as the absence of a specific definition of work accident in the telework modality and, on the other hand, it analyzes the possible extension to teleworking -generally carried out at the worker's home- of the legal concept of occupational accident regulated in Royal Legislative Decree 8/2015, of 30 October -General Social Security Law-, as well as the judicial doctrine existing about it.
How to Cite
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