Profit immunity. Lessons from the pandemic regarding the structural subsumption of work in the Capital



Published 09-05-2023
Pablo López Calle Sergio Pena Dopico


There is already abundant evidence that shows the differential impact, of class, that the pandemic has had. We also found that the health crisis did not trigger an economic crisis of the magnitude predicted by some experts. This research, based on the field observations of one of the authors as an occupational risk prevention technician in different companies, investigates the social dispositions and habitus that have contributed to this «immunity» from business profit rates, with an unusual efficiency and agility, in a rather informal and immanent way. In short, we try to study that kind of «mute compulsion», as Marx called it, which reveals a structural and systemic orientation of social actions and individual decisions towards the valorization of capital, and which becomes more visible and analyzable at critical times, when the «arc is in tension», to put it like Ortega. For this, we use, as a central analytical element, the category of subsumption of work in Capital.

How to Cite

López Calle, P., & Pena Dopico, S. (2023). Profit immunity. Lessons from the pandemic regarding the structural subsumption of work in the Capital . Lan Harremanak, (49).
Abstract 262 | PDF (Español) Downloads 147


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