Reinventing collective conflict in the new labor relations of the 21st century: the case of plataform companies



Published 20-04-2023
José Enrique Ruiz Saura


The present research work analyzes the way in which the new labor scenarios that have appeared in recent years, above all, in the hands of the virtual platform economy, exert their influence of the forms of organization of collective actions by workers. To do this, it investigates the emergence and development of conflicts in the 4.0 economy. It can be concluded that these new, eminently digital work systems are causing the displacement of the classic forms of trade unionism. This circunstance is a response to the limits of the new social and labor framework, in which the templates have more heterogeneous contractual conditions, the worker is more “atomized” and, in addition, the communication channels are usually reduced to company-worer in downward direction.

How to Cite

Ruiz Saura, J. E. (2023). Reinventing collective conflict in the new labor relations of the 21st century: the case of plataform companies. Lan Harremanak, (49).
Abstract 192 | PDF (Español) Downloads 328


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