Labor relations in intensive agriculture in the region of Murcia: the role of union action and collective bargaining in the construction of its regulatory framework
The union action of groups of workers in the agricultural sector, as well as their participation in the negotiating tables for the conclusion of agreements between capital and labor, has historically had a very relevant weight in the construction and evolution of agricultural work in the Region. of Murcia. For this reason, it is of interest to know and understand the social and union context of work in the fields and warehouses in Murcia. Based on the implications of the new productive system implemented for a few decades in the agro-industry of this region, that is, from the transition from traditional agriculture to the intensive model, the role that collective autonomy plays in this sector is analyzed. In the same way, it addresses the challenges that agricultural workers have to face, their collective organization, and the evolution of labor regulations in agriculture.
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agricultural work, collective bargaining, union action, intensive agriculture
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