Training in occupational risk prevention before technological impact
Law 31/1995, of November 8, on Occupational Risk Prevention requires action in the company that goes beyond the simple formal observance of a set of business obligations. Among the specific duties that the company must abide by, preventive training is especially relevant, in any of the types provided for in current legislation, in order to optimize understanding of both the real scope of the risks derived from work and the way of prevent and avoid them, according to the singularities of each workplace, the peculiarities of the workers and the specific tasks of each job.
For this reason, this article intends, firstly, to make an analysis of the different training typologies provided by the preventive norm and the eventual impact and application that some of the new technologies could have on them and, secondly, to examine the possible advantages and disadvantages of its effective integration in the mandatory prevention plans.
How to Cite
training, technology, occupational risk, ICTs, e-tool.
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