Is it possible to enrich job functions when different flexible work practices are implemented? Suggestions for HR management that makes diagnosis feasible
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español Español
This paper seeks to describe how labor flexibility (LF) is experienced by workers, specifically investigating which are the dimensions and practices of LF that Argentine companies use the most and identifying which variables in the design of work roles should be enriched to promote a better work environment. The research was descriptive, longitudinal and with a quantitative approach; the collection tool was a survey. The non-probabilistic sampling reached 353 volunteer subjects, in CABA, and GBA in Argentina, during the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. LF practices demand strategic and cultural changes in business management. The results reveal that companies proved the importance of teamwork, supporting the flexibility of the work organization (FOT); without detriment to the foregoing, the analysis of the pandemic working reality revealed that the use of quantitative hourly internal labor market flexibility practices (IMFL) was intensified, introducing flexible hours in 2019, turning towards other indicators of this type of flexibility, such as teleworking and virtual team work in 2020 and 2021.
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