Teleworking, healt and engagement, after Covid-19
Sara Ortego Hijarrubia Diego Fernández Piedra
The COVID-19 pandemic caused many people to take up teleworking suddenly, influencing their physical and psychological health, as well as the levels of work engagement experienced.
The aim of this article is to analyse, exploratorily, the possible influence of this work modality both on the physical and/or mental health and on the work engagement of Madrid workers, making a comparison with the rest of the work modalities (face-to-face and hybrid). A quantitative methodology was used to evaluate 307 participants, applying a questionnaire consisting of two standardised tests: the SF-12, on physical and/or mental health, and the UWES-9, on engagement.
The results obtained showed statistically significant differences in both the level of health (physical and psychological) and engagement in the different work modalities and socio-demographic variables evaluated, confirming the negative impact of telework on both variables.
How to Cite
Covid-19; teleworking; engagement; physical health; psychological health.
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