La política familiar como instrumento de igualdad: distintas concepciones europeas



Published 13-09-2011
María José Martínez Herrero


This article focuses on the study of the family policies implemented in European countries and their consequences on women in terms of wellbeing and equality. The gradual and irreversible incorporation of women into the workplace has not only modified the family structure but has also shown the close relationship between paid work and unpaid work, i.e. housework and caring for children and dependent individuals. The aim sought is to examine and compare the degree of commitment of these countries to the wellbeing of children and to equality between men and women through instruments that provide a work-life structure, encouraging male participation in care work and female participation in paid employment.

How to Cite

Martínez Herrero, M. J. (2011). La política familiar como instrumento de igualdad: distintas concepciones europeas. Lan Harremanak, (18).
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