Lan-jarduera eta umeen zaintzaren bateratzea Espainian



Published 13-09-2011
Aurora Alonso Antón Ana Fernández Sainz Virginia Rincón Díez


This work provides independent analysis of the decisions made by women with regards to their participation in the labour market and their having children. Using the EPA (Active Population Survey) for the year 2007, the influence of different factors on the decision to participate in the labour market and have children is analysed. The unobservable characteristics influencing these decisions are considered independently and a binary probit is proposed for the analysis. The results show that labour activity and fertility depend on the socioeconomic characteristics related to women and their environment.

How to Cite

Alonso Antón, A., Fernández Sainz, A., & Rincón Díez, V. (2011). Lan-jarduera eta umeen zaintzaren bateratzea Espainian. Lan Harremanak, (18).
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