Yo, diplomad@ en Relaciones Laborales. Investigación cualitativa sobre la trayectoria laboral de diplomados y diplomadas en Relaciones Laborales



Published 19-10-2011
Luis Belaustegi


The following article is based on the research under the aegis of the School of Industrial Relations at the UPV/EHU (University of the Basque Country) that seeks to obtain significant references to prepare the graduation profiles of the new degree qualification.

It is straightforward research but intentionally number-heavy, with the graduates being allowed to have their say, based on semi-structured interviews, which explore and structure the opinions and situations experienced by ten graduates in Industrial Relations, in order to deduce aspects from two sources: the working records and expert opinions. The opinions are both evaluative about the teaching received and the Centre, and prospects regarding the environment-employability factors, future relations with the School or, above all, competences to integrate or enrich the design of the new degree qualification.

How to Cite

Belaustegi, L. (2011). Yo, diplomad@ en Relaciones Laborales. Investigación cualitativa sobre la trayectoria laboral de diplomados y diplomadas en Relaciones Laborales. Lan Harremanak, (17). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.3074
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