Formación universitaria en seguridad y salud en el trabajo
The setting up of official post-graduate studies in the field of the Prevention of Occupational Risks will leave higher education in this area exclusively in the hands of the universities. However, the new proposed qualification does not question or change the competences of other existing qualifications. The general objectives of the Masters can be summarised as follows:
— Standardising the baseline knowledge from different spheres in the foundation subjects of post-graduate studies in the Prevention of Occupational Risks.
— Acquiring knowledge, skills, dexterities and attitudes required to perform higher professional functions in the field of the prevention of occupational risks.
— Acquiring specialisation in the different non-medical preventive areas (Safety in the Workplace, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology) that enables technological knowledge to be updated and leading, where applicable, to doctorate studies.How to Cite
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