Introducción al estudio de las transiciones en el mercado laboral vasco. 1994-2006



Published 19-10-2011
Jesús Rodríguez Marcos


The limitations in the analysis of the labour market based on net balances - differences between stocks at two different moments - on the one hand, and the design of most of the Workforce Surveys as pseudo-longitudinal samples on the other, have converged in the use of the latter tools for the study of the gross balances, flows and transitions which most accurately reflect the situation of the population in relation to activity. The methodological difficulties and limitations which arise when attempting this form of analysis, although it is necessary to bear them in mind, do not prevent us from drawing closer to the explicative wealth provided by the flows which take place within the labour market, in our case using the Autonomous Community of Euskadi as our framework.

How to Cite

Rodríguez Marcos, J. (2011). Introducción al estudio de las transiciones en el mercado laboral vasco. 1994-2006. Lan Harremanak, (16).
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