Mendekoen Arretarako Euskal Sistema Publiko baten alde. Zaintzeko betebeharretik zainketak jasotzeko eskubidera



Published 19-10-2011
- Mendekoen Arretarako Euskal Sistema Publiko baten aldeko Plataforma


The report drawn up by the Platform for a Basque public system for attention to Dependency is the result of the joint reflection on the part of feminist and trade union organizations regarding care and attention to situations of dependency. In 2006, the Platform organized a petition to demand the creation of public care services which was submitted to the Basque Parliament. The central ideas of the report are, on the one hand, the right to receive care as an individual right, regardless of the aid which the family nucleus provides, and, on the other, the fact that the allocation of care work to women is one of the ways in which inequality and subordination are generated.

How to Cite

Mendekoen Arretarako Euskal Sistema Publiko baten aldeko Plataforma, .-. (2011). Mendekoen Arretarako Euskal Sistema Publiko baten alde. Zaintzeko betebeharretik zainketak jasotzeko eskubidera. Lan Harremanak, (15).
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