Lo que debe ser y es una banca ética



Published 24-10-2011
Cristina de la Cruz Pedro M. Sasia Juan Garibi


This article aims to consider the ethical dimension of social responsibility in greater depth. A theoretical approach to some features of the concept of responsibility is first performed in order to qualify its meaning and explore its specific applicability in the sphere of financial entities. The FIARE project is then presented as the face of what should be and is a responsible bank. It aims to stress the ethical nature of social responsibility, to the detriment of the strictly economic approach that has been used before. We are aware of the colonisation that economic logic has made of the term. Such colonisation obeys and is the result of the commercialisation of all structure of life. It is not difficult to provide evidence that backs this interpretation. What is difficult is to try to find some sphere of the political and social life that escapes it. Its dominance is such and it is so deep rooted, that it is difficult to tackle a critical approach to these commonplaces about social responsibility from a different perspective. When the proposed alternative approach is part of the ethical framework, then we have a problem.

How to Cite

de la Cruz, C., Sasia, P. M., & Garibi, J. (2011). Lo que debe ser y es una banca ética. Lan Harremanak, (14). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.3448
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