El incierto futuro del empleo femenino en la maquila centroamericana y dominicana



Published 27-10-2011
Elena Martínez Tola Patxi Zabalo Arena


During the last decades, the bonded assembly industry has been the main source of feminine industrial work in Central America and the Caribbean. The precarious work conditions, the low wages and the lack of respect to the labour law have received numerous critics. However, beyond the controversies on the possible positive effects of the access to the wage-earning work in the formal sector, nowadays the situation of the women on this industry faces a difficult future. First of all, the possible disappearance of many of these works is clear, particularly in the garment assembly, due to a new framework and the competence of China and some other Asian countries. On the other hand, as far as it concerns to the employments that survive the adjustment, the labour conditions of women hardly are going to improve in a sector where the source of competitive advantage is the continuous reduction of the costs of the labour force.

How to Cite

Martínez Tola, E., & Zabalo Arena, P. (2011). El incierto futuro del empleo femenino en la maquila centroamericana y dominicana. Lan Harremanak, (13). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.3478
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