Efectos socioeconómicos de la reforma del sistema de pensiones



Published 17-02-2012
Alfonso de Lara Guarch Enrique Martín-Serrano Jiménez


The open debate about the need to reform the pensions system has led to considerations as to how future pensions should be linked to the issue of sustainability. Lastly, the pension reform that has been agreed has constituted a response to the basic problem by introducing measures that have a transversal effect on the income generated by the system, expenditure and workers' conduct, reinforced by principles of contributivity and solidarity as guidelines to the reform.

This article analyses the content of each of the reforms proposed by considering their approach and the objectives they set out, in addition to the social and economic impact they will have both from a macro point of view with regard to the social security system and, via a more micro analysis, with regard to each group of workers that make up the system.

How to Cite

de Lara Guarch, A., & Martín-Serrano Jiménez, E. (2012). Efectos socioeconómicos de la reforma del sistema de pensiones. Lan Harremanak, (24). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.4685
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