Desindustralización y regeneración económica del País Vasco. Acciones de reconversión del Gobierno Vasco y SPRI
During the eighties Basque industry went through a stage of adaptation and reconversion which fundamentally affected a series of traditional sectors with great importance within the Basque economy. Now, looking back on the two decades which have gone by, we have to accept that the processes of adaptation, restructurisation and reconversion which have been undertaken have helped to place Basque industry in a substantially more favourable competitive position. The complex process of reconversion and regeneration undertaken has not been free of problems, and its economic and social cost has been very high indeed. The Basque public administration and, more specifically, the SPRI have played a fundamental role in all this process, constantly aiming to contribute to making Basque companies more modern, equipped to compete in the current open market conditions, with significant presence in the world and specific influence in new sectors.
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