El informe Durán
The occupational accident data, the recognition of an extremely high rate of professional diseases and forgetting the impact of work-related illnesses, together with the mobilizations to raise awareness that part of the trade union movement organise have led not only to the employers trying to dilute their responsibilities, but also to the European Union sending a clear message to the Kingdom of Spain that the situation has to change.
These reasons forced Aznar to ask Federico Durán, who was then chairman of the Spanish Social and Economic Council, to prepare a report to «describe what is happening in relation to accidents in the workplace, in order to know what is happening and once this is established, in order to put forward measures to prevent them from happening».
However, reading the report and the analysis of its recommendations showed that in reality its sole purpose was to minimise the statistical data, progress in privatising the public health system and usurp the jurisdictions held by the two autonomous communities into which the south of the Basque Country is divided. In short, it proposes to may the legislation in force more flexible by denying that the majority of employers fail to comply with the legislation governing the prevention of occupational risks.
We should not be surprised at this result, as this report which was acclaimed to be independent is not, which is clear just by reading the list of participants, where there is not even a token trade union presence and is mainly made up by PP politicians that hold posts in the Civil Service and in business organisations, such as Mutuas, Anepa, etc.
The reaction to the current situation and to the false solutions proposed by Durán is going to be a priority for the LAB trade union, both in its day-to-day tasks and in its social interventions. With regard to the latter, we believe it is necessary to add our criticism to the Report, provoke social rebate and criticise CCOO and UGT also for negotiating in secret in this area.
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