La Ley de Prevención en Riesgos Laborales en la Administración



Published 23-04-2012
Iñaki Galdós Ibáñez de Opacua


The Law for the Prevention of Danger at Work of 1995 establishes the application of its mandates to the people who offer their services to the Public Administration, with some exceptions and small changes for some groups and the absolute exclusion of military functionaries. After reminding businessmen of their safety obligations in relation to their employees, the study concerns itself with the characteristics of the Administration as regards the workers at its service; to this end, the mandates of the Law which must be adapted are related and analysed, as well as a rule which is not to be applied, specifically that which relates to financial sanctions. Once these specific matters are indicated, the study concerns itself with explaining the organisation of the preventive activity in the General Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and in the Local and Regional Administrations, specifying the incidence rates of the Local Administration in relation to those of the total number of sectors in the Autonomous Community. Finally, the obligations of the Administration are explained in detail in the capacity which it holds of promoter of the work.

How to Cite

Galdós Ibáñez de Opacua, I. (2012). La Ley de Prevención en Riesgos Laborales en la Administración. Lan Harremanak.
Abstract 178 | PDF (Español) Downloads 108


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