Aspectos económicos y financieros que demandan la reforma de los planes de pensiones de empleo: causas, efectos y propuestas



Published 23-04-2012
Rosa María Ahumada Carazo


Pension Plans and Pension Funds have greatly evolved in Spain over recent years. Outstanding in the world of Pension Plans as a result of their dynamism or activity since 1995, are the occupational Pension Plans. In this work we analyse the economic and financial peculiarities of these plans, in addition to the deficiencies or imperfections arising from their setting in motion. Having carried out an analysis of their effects, we propose a series of measures aimed at solving these difficulties.

How to Cite

Ahumada Carazo, R. M. (2012). Aspectos económicos y financieros que demandan la reforma de los planes de pensiones de empleo: causas, efectos y propuestas. Lan Harremanak, (5).
Abstract 112 | PDF (Español) Downloads 129


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