El problema del empleo en al Comunidad Autónoma Vasca y la política vasca de empleo



Published 05-10-2012
Joxerramon Bengoetxea


This contribution tries to provide a context to the problem of employment in the Basque Autonomous Region, in a political and comparative tone. (1.The relevance of the subject). After that, the Comunication of the Basque Goverment sent to the Parliament will be explained (2) and the essential elements of the discussion produced in the Parliament will be expounded (3). Then, the main resolutions taken by the Parliament will be explained (4) ending with the final thinkings (5. Final Thinkings). The text of the comunication, the evaluation of the labour world and the resolutions of the Parliament are given in the Appendix, as a working document for the people interested on studying the subject in depth.

How to Cite

Bengoetxea, J. (2012). El problema del empleo en al Comunidad Autónoma Vasca y la política vasca de empleo. Lan Harremanak, (2). https://doi.org/10.1387/lan-harremanak.6672
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