Semantic content and compositional context-censitivity



Published 11-04-2019
Esther Romero Belén Soria


A variety of theorists have recently argued against the explanation of the semantic content of a sentence as a minimal proposition claiming that intentional aspects of the context are often needed to obtain a minimal proposition. Minimalists such as Borg, however, still defend intention-insensitive minimal propositions for sentences in a narrow context and provide solutions or dissolutions against incompleteness objections. In this paper, we show that these putative defences of propositionalism do not serve to avoid some additional genuine objections which arise from compositional context-sensitivity. We aim to show that there are complex expressions which compositionally demand intention-sensitive pragmatic effects in a mandatory way and, for that reason, they provide us with evidence against the type of propositionalism that substantiates the defence of semantic minimalism.

How to Cite

Romero, E., & Soria, B. (2019). Semantic content and compositional context-censitivity. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 34(1), 51–71.
Abstract 447 | PDF Downloads 429 XML Downloads 97



Minimal proposition, incompleteness, propositionalism, minimalism, context-sensitivity, mandatory demand of contextual information
