Evolution Nodes in Newtonian Supertasks



Published 01-05-2009
Luis Carlos Medina


The present article provides an analysis of the instants of a system that performs a Newtonian supertask. For each instant it studied the possibility of the system having, from the instant in question, more than one possible course of evolution. This analysis shows that some supertasks presented as deterministic by Pérez Laraudogoitia are in fact indeterministic and specifies the difficulties ahead in showing the radical indeterminism suggested by Atkinson and Johnson.

How to Cite

Medina, L. C. (2009). Evolution Nodes in Newtonian Supertasks. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 24(2), 229–247. https://doi.org/10.1387/theoria.444
Abstract 507 | PDF Downloads 257



critical instant, evolution node, failure of energy conservation, indeterminism, Newtonian Mechanics, supertasks
