Situated practices of testimony. A rhetorical approach





Contrary to most current epistemologists who concentrate on core cases of rather 'spontaneous' (deliberately  de-contextualized)  trust  and  belief  in the  face  of  assertions,  Classical  rhetoricians  addressed  the study of 'testimony' as an (at least) two-acts phenomenon: that of the 'disclosure' of information and that of the 'appeal' to its authority in subsequent discursive practices. Moreover, they primarily focused on this second phase as they assumed that it was such argumentative setting that finally gave 'testimonial' relevance to the first act. According to this 'rhetorical' model, then, it is the dynamics (by means of an in medias res approach)  and  pragmatics  (by means  of  a  deliberate  attention  to  specifically  'situated'  practices)  of  such complex process that is the core issue regarding 'testimony'.

How to Cite

OLMOS, P. (2008). Situated practices of testimony. A rhetorical approach. THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science, 23(1), 57–68.
Abstract 401 | PDF Downloads 620



argumentation, argument from authority, epistemology, pragmatics, rhetoric, testimony.
