The configuration of a noble collection. The example of the House of Parcent (1656-1927)



Published 18-04-2016
José Luis García Martínez


This article analyzes the configuration of the art collection of the counts of Parcent, focusing on those artistic assets whose presence is more significant in the inventories of the House: paintings, tapestries, jewelry and silver. To analyze this collection, we have focused on the Italian origin of this lineage, his relationship with Pope Innocent XI and his activity as lenders, as differentiating facts of his collector side. To which the incorporation of the House, County Contamina and Marquis of Fuente el Sol is added, incorporating important artistic ensembles both movable and immovable.

How to Cite

García Martínez, J. L. (2016) “The configuration of a noble collection. The example of the House of Parcent (1656-1927)”, Ars Bilduma, (6). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.14107.


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county of Parcent, county of Contamina, marquisate of Fuente el Sol, Innocent XI, Cernesio, Odescalchi, heritage, collection
