Marcel Duchamp, Diary of a seducer



Published 12-06-2017
Diego Renart González


Marcel Duchamp's life's work is feasible thanks to the possibility, to its expansion. As an underground, conciliatory of opposites artst, amplifes daily life through imaginaton or irony incorporatng in art objects obsessions of our permanent interest. One of them is erotc, and just as in the feld of irony, Sören Kierkegaard and his Diary of a Seducer become here accomplices to confgure a plastc sequence of uncertain visual precedent that will be, however, the key for the development of his next expression.

How to Cite

Renart González, D. (2017) “Marcel Duchamp, Diary of a seducer”, Ars Bilduma, (7). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.15583.


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Duchamp, Kierkegaard, irony, possible, seducer, virgin, passage, bride

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