Ken Loach: a long career and some insights into age



Published 18-12-2024
Manuel Herrería Bolado


Since in 1964 he began directing some episodes for BBC series such as Teletales, Z Cars, or The Wednesday Play, going
through his first feature films in the 70s and some documentaries during the most aggressive Thatcherism of the 80s
‒which brought him problems with censorship and even banishment from the film industry for more than a decade‒,
until his resurgence with Hidden Agenda in 1990, Ken Loach has directed twenty-eight feature films (not counting
more than twenty TV episodes and as many documentaries). Attending to such a long career from an age perspective,
has led us to the determination to face it from two angles; the first referred to a general framework, where
the biographical factor has been revealing the different stages throughout his career; the second, inquiring about the
age relationships that occur between the characters of two of his fictions: Family Life (1971) and I, Daniel Blake

How to Cite

Herrería Bolado, M. (2024) “Ken Loach: a long career and some insights into age”, Ars Bilduma, (14). doi: 10.1387/ars-bilduma.25123.


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Cinema; generation; ideology; cohort; Loach.

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