Interseccionalidad, soberanía alimentaria y feminismos de Abya Yala Estudio de caso en Perú: FENMUCARINAP



Published 23-12-2020
Leticia Urretabizkaia


This work explores the links between intersectionality and Food Sovereignty based on the political practice of the National Federation of Peasant Artisan Indigenous Native and Salaried Women of Peru (FENMUCARINAP). The first section, offers a theoretical framing of the concept of intersectionality, as well as the challenges it faces today when deployed in feminist analyses emerging mainly from Abya Yala and also by La Via Campesina around Food Sovereignty. The second section consists of a case study of FENMUCARINAP, taking into account the issues and challenges identified in the theoretical framework. In both parts, the main themes introduced revolve around the personal and collective processes that produce intersectional subordination and empowerment and the domination exercised by dominant groups and categories, which is
reproduced within the groups and coalitions that fight against them. All in all, the intention is to grant epistemic legitimacy to the social movements and practices that come from Abya Yala and provide insights that can be relevant to the reality of Euskal Herria and contribute to the process of deconstruction and transformation of structural relations of domination.

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Intersectionality, Food Sovereignty, Abya Yala feminisms, decolonial feminism.
