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  • Ariadna Histórica. Lenguajes, conceptos, metáforas.

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  • Arqueología de la Arquitectura

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  • Ars Bilduma

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  • Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca "Julio de Urquijo"

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  • AusArt

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  • Bidebarrieta

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  • Cabás. International Journal on Historical-Educational Heritage

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  • Clio & Crimen. Revista del Centro de Historia del Crimen de Durango

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  • Colección de Estudios Internacionales

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  • Cuadernos de Gestión

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  • International Journal of Dynamic Project Management

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  • e-Eguzkilore

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  • Ekaia

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  • Ciencias de Enfermería / Nursing Science

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  • Fabrikart

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  • GIZAEKOA - Revista Vasca de Economía Social

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  • Gogoa

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  • Guineana

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  • Historia Contemporánea

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  • Working Papers Hegoa

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  • International E-Journal of Criminal Sciences

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  • InpAkta. Journal of research for social impact

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  • Iura Vasconiae. Revista de Derecho Histórico y Autonómico de Vasconia

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  • Kriminologia Ikasten. Irakaskuntzarako aldizkaria

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  • kirurgia

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  • Lan Harremanak

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  • Student Journal of Research in Health Sciences

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  • Mundo

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  • Papeles de Identidad

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  • Revista de Psicodidáctica

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  • Revista de Dirección y Administración de Empresas

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  • Law and the Human Genome Review. Genetics, Biotechnology and Advanced Medicine

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  • Tantak. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Hezkuntza Aldizkaria

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  • THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of Science

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  • Veleia

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  • ZER - Journal of Communication Studies

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  • Zuzenbidea ikasten. Irakaskuntzarako aldizkaria

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