Procuracy in the Basque Provinces and Navarre: its regulation and exercise in some lands of the Fueros (13th-19th centuries)



Published 14-05-2024
Imanol Merino Malillos


In the historical researches of the procedural law since the beginning of the ius commune, the work and duties of the agents of court has been overshadowed by that of the barrister and some other participants in justice. This paper addresses to the first ones in the Basque Provinces and the Kingdom of Navarre, territories that, though part of the Crown of Castile during the Old Regime, had their own codes of law and institutions. We shall inquire to what extent the last ones provided a particular shape to the court agents in those territories. We analyse their profiles and their work as central pieces in the trials, and their role as key agents in the defence and definition of the local laws. Finally, we will note down the changes and remains that the instituting of the liberal state justice brought in the 19th century.

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