The legislative policy of the Autonomous Community of Aragón in relation to its own civil law: from the 1967 Compilation to the 2011 Regional Code of Law of Aragón and subsequent legislative initiatives



Published 12-06-2024
Aurora López Azcona


The aim of this paper is to present the civil law revision process in Aragón since the Autonomous Community of Aragón was given the power to change, maintain and develop its own civil law; a process where two clearly defined phases can be identified. During the first phase (1982-1995), the only aim of Aragón’s legislative body was to adopt the 1967 Compilation for the Autonomous Community and adapt its provisions to the constitutional provisions. It was not until 1996 when the task of reformulating and, thus, developing Aragón’s civil law really began, finally resulting in Aragón’s Regional Code of Law being approved in 2011. Following this date, several not very significant legislative initiatives relating to its civil law can be reported, some of which came from the Government of Aragón, with others originating from various groups with parliamentary representation.

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Competences, Regional or special civil law, Civil law of Aragón, Legislative policy, Regional Code of Law of Aragón
