Evolution of the Economic Agreements and Treaties up to 1936: A Comparative View
The Economic Treaty or Agreement is a constantly evolving tool, and the different versions that have been employed at various points in the history of the Basque Country were the combined product of political tensions, the inertia resulting from the delay in their implementation, various faits accomplis, and, above all, the consensus between the parties. The unusual evolution of the agreements and treaties has been marked by the involuntary yet fruitful mutual protection afforded by both instruments in the eyes of the State. Thus, the seed that was sown by the Law of 1841 paved the way for the Treaty of 1877, which laid down solid foundations for the Agreement of 1878, that was enriched by subsequent renewals and finally consolidated in the Regulation of 1926, a forwardlooking text that was copied a few months later by the Navarre Treaty of 1927. Both survived on equal terms during the republican period and up to General Franco’s abolition of the regime for Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa.
Economic agreements, Economic treaties, Basque taxation, Quota, Tax harmonisation, Navarre, Basque provinces