Evolution of Foral’s regimes of the basque provinces until 1876: «foral» development in the interim in Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa
This article examines the evolution of «foral» regimes of Alava, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa in the period between the enactment of the Law of 25 October 1839 and the Law of 21 July 1876, period that has been called by some authors «neoforal system» or «neoforality», and that is a progressive decline in the basic contents of the «foral» regime until their complete disappearance in those territories. Within this historical period, we analyze three different phases: the first, from the Act of 1839 until the Constitution of 1845, with particular reference to what happened in 1841, a key year for the «fueros»; a second, from 1845 to the socalled «glorious revolution» of 1868; and a third and last, from 1868 until the final abolition of the «fueros» for the three Basque country provinces in 1876.
«Foral» territories, Álava, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Spanish constitutions, Neo-«forality», 1839-1876