Nobles, ruanos and peasants in mediaeval Navarre
Mediaeval Navarran society was structured in the classical threefold division of nobility, free men (known as the ruanos) and peasants. The group of free men or ruanos, the last to appear in the social spectrum, was the first experience a written development of their statute by means of the early statutory letters from the late 11th century. Since then, the social pillars in the kingdom obtained various explanations and clarifications on their respective juridical situations until they accumulated an ample written systematisation of their rights, as is demonstrated by the great statutory compilations from the late 13th century. Starting from this situation reconstruction is made of juridical statutes of three social classes in the kingdom and an analysis is made of their position in the social ladder, and special attention is paid a to their corresponding fiscal, judicial and military privileges and/or obligations.
Juridical statute, Social groups, Navarre, The Middle Ages, Statutes, Privileges