Reception in Western Vasconia of the Castilian Legislation on property
Lourdes Soria Sesé
The property regime in Castile is elaborated by conceptually using the battery of dogmas provided by the Ius Commune doctrine. Therefore, in order to understand its reception we have to bear in mind the double current it brings along: its own norms and the foreign concepts. The main matter here is to elucídate which are its effects, which is the use it is going to be given in terms of the purposes it serves, and on which juridical bases are the relations established between a common law, that of the Kingdom of Castile, and certain autochthonous laws like those of the Basque territories.
Common Law, Property, Mayorazgo, Vertebration, Old Statute of Bizkaia, New Statute of Bizkaia, Usucapión, Civil law