From the Seignories of the 15th century to the fall of the Feudal System in Navarre



Published 28-06-2024
Jesús María Usunáriz Garayoa


When, during the fist half of the 19th century peoples, lords, lawyers, prosecutors and judges discussed about the rights of certain families to receive income from the oíd seignories, the History of the Kingdom of Navarre, of Spain and of Europe was a habitual resource for all to justify their pretences. And, as they well knew, comprehension of the feudal regime, its survival and its abolition meant analysing medieval seignories and their characteristics. For this reason, this work pretends to explain part of the process of abolition of the feudal system in Navarre and its results, through its cióse relationship with the formation and development of the seignories throughout the 15th century, since the bases were laid during this period and the circumstances that surrounded it -according to the main argument that is defended- contribute to explaining the reasons and the way in which a certain interpretation and enforcement of the laws of abolition of seignories took place during the 19th century.

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Tribute, Seignory, Feudal Law, Mayorazgo, Donation, Concession, Property, Abolition of Seignories, Censo enfitéutico, Abolition of tributes
