No. 18 (2021): XVIII Simposio de Derecho Histórico y Autonómico de Vasconia: Las vías de comunicación en Vasconia

Published: 01-12-2021


Roads in the Middle Ages: the opening of trade routes in the Basque territories

José Antonio Marín Paredes
Abstract 30 | PDF (Español) Downloads 24

Page 43-84

The legal regulation of roads in the historical legal systems of Vasconia (13th-19th centuries)

María Rosa Ayerbe Iríbar
Abstract 19 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4

Page 161-216

The roads of the Basque Country in our era: ideas for new investigations

David Zapirain Karrika
Abstract 10 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 217-243

The origins of the iron roads in Vasconia

Juan José Olaizola Elordi
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 9

Page 293-344

Regional competences with regard to roads in Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa

Iñaki Agirreazkuenaga Zigorraga
Abstract 33 | PDF (Español) Downloads 18

Page 377-408


In memoriam