No. 16 (2019): XVI Simposio de Derecho Histórico de Vasconia: Reforma del autogobierno en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca
Full Issue
Pour un vrai statut des regions en Europe / Por un verdadero Estatuto de las regiones en Europa / Europako eskualdeentzako benetako Estatutu baten alde
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8
Page 9-23
The Urgency to Develop a Sense of Togetherness in Divided Societies : Thinking Outside of the Box.
Abstract 25 | PDF Downloads 10
Page 24-44
Basque Historical Rights: limited constituent power or specific institutions
Abstract 22 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4
Page 45-120
El ámbito de la comunidad cultural y los títulos compartidos de autogobierno. Respondant de Alain G. Gagnon y Gregorio Monrea
Abstract 16 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 121-129
Constitutional and Statutory Treatment of Relations with the Chartered Community of Navarre. Between Institutions and Partisanship
Abstract 18 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 131-162
The Communauté d’Agglomération du Pays Basque and Possibilities for Cooperation with the Basque Country and Navarre
Abstract 39 | PDF (Español) Downloads 5
Page 163-188
Las relaciones institucionales entre los entes de Vasconia. Respondant de Juan Cruz Alli y Eguzki Urteaga
Abstract 14 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 189-199
The Constitutional Court’s Case Law on the Historical Rights of the Regional Territories: General Aspects and Projection of the Statutory Powers with Historical Roots
Abstract 35 | PDF (Español) Downloads 13
Page 201-305
Compliance with the Statute of Autonomy of the Basque Country of 1979
Abstract 18 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8
Page 307-347
The Guarantees of Self-Government
Abstract 22 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6
Page 349-376
Garantías para el cumplimiento del nuevo pacto estatutario: comentario a las ponencias de Santiago Larrazabal y Juan José Álvarez
Abstract 13 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 377-389
Deficit and Debt: Responsibilities of the Treasury and the Basque Parliament
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6
Page 391-411
The Question of Internal Jurisdiction over Tax Matters: General and Regional Institution
Abstract 13 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 413-449
Hacienda. Respondant de Pedro Hernando y Fernando de la Hucha
Abstract 10 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 451-459
The Judiciary and the Justice Administration
Abstract 8 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8
Page 459-501
Implications of Legislative and Case Law Handling of the Regional Language
Abstract 17 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 503-540
Some Keys to How the Autonomous Model Fits In at the European Union Leve
Abstract 11 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 541-569
La Comunidad Autónoma Vasca en Europa y en el mundo. Respondant de Maite Zelaia
Abstract 9 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7
Page 571-573