No. 1 (2004): III Symposium: La propiedad pública y privada de los territorios de Vasconia

Published: 01-12-2004


Presentation of FSHALV and of the content of lura Vasconiae

Gregorio Monreal Zia
Abstract 7 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 9-19


Land and property

Alexandre Zabalza
Abstract 5 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 25-42

Reception in Western Vasconia of the Castilian Legislation on property

Lourdes Soria Sesé
Abstract 5 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6

Page 103-126

The concept of property rights in Continental Vasconia under the Ancient Regime

Maïté Lafourcade
Abstract 4 | PDF (Français (France)) Downloads 3

Page 161-184

From the Seignories of the 15th century to the fall of the Feudal System in Navarre

Jesús María Usunáriz Garayoa
Abstract 10 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 185-223

From the council to the Municipality: Communal Property in Modern Navarre

Ana Zabalza Seguín
Abstract 9 | PDF (Español) Downloads 7

Page 227-252

Facerías and faceros: a historical-jurídical perspective

Amparo Zubiri Jaurrieta
Abstract 8 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4

Page 253-298

The facerías in the Navarran Pyrinees: a historical-economic perspective

Alejandro Arizkun Cela
Abstract 4 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6

Page 299-314

The corralizas in Navarre. History, nature and regime

Juan Cruz Alli Aranguren
Abstract 10 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4

Page 315-364

The concellar dominion

Juan Cruz Alli Aranguren
Abstract 8 | PDF (Español) Downloads 4

Page 365-399

Disentailment and sale of communal properties

Margarita Serna Vallejo
Abstract 5 | PDF (Español) Downloads 6

Page 403-436

Statutory disentailment (1834-1861)

José Miguel Lana Berasain
Abstract 5 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 437-452

Property rights and welfare: an economic approach

José María Aizpurua Aguirre
Abstract 7 | PDF (Español) Downloads 3

Page 453-484

Family strategies through wedding contracts in the north of Navarre: Lesaka, 1790-1879

Pilar Erdozáin Azpilicueta, Fernando Mikelarena Peña
Abstract 5 | PDF (Español) Downloads 3

Page 485-520

Middle-level nobility and transmission of patrimony in Modern Navarre

José Joaquín Noáin Irisarri
Abstract 8 | PDF (Español) Downloads 8

Page 523-550

Access to the use of comunal mountain pastures in rural communities in the Modern Era

Estíbaliz González Dios
Abstract 9 | PDF (Español) Downloads 3

Page 551-570
