Global Subalternity, Exteriority, and Independence day: Rethinking radical democracy and biopolitics. Notes on Laclau-Mouffe and Hardt-Negri



Joseba Gabilondo


The article analyzes the work of Laclau-Mouffe and Hardt-Negry, perhaps the most influencial theorists of Postmarxism. The goal is to show that their work does not account for the exteriority of subalternity in globalization and, thus, they are not able to theorize globalization in its geopolitical dimension. The article shows that the work of these authors is still confined to and by the linguistic, epistemological framework of postestructuralism (Lacan, Deleuze, Foucault), and, as a result, remains defined and limited by the geopolitics of the (post)imperialist European nation-state. The article discusses the firm independence Day to prove that the theoretical proposals of these authors have been already co-opted and deployed by global neoliberalism.
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globalization, political theory, film, post-Marxism, subalternity

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