Urban violence and victimizing subjectivities: Senses and organizational experiences of insecurity's victims in Argentina



Published 23-09-2014
Mercedes Calzado


In Latin America, the urban violence process introduced new modes to narrate the victimization experiences. In security's societies, subjectivities are reconfigured. Also, individual and collective discourses, and political practices, are redefined. This paper reflects about the discourses of organized groups of insecurity's victims in Argentina. Does the individual experience define the subjectivity? To be familiar of a victim sets the parameters from which the experience could be explained? Is the experience structured by preexisting concepts? From a series of interviews with relatives of victims of insecurity, this article reflects on the experiences of the collective subject produced by the urban violence. This investigation proposed a typology with five kinds of intervention vocabularies produced by organized groups of insecurity's victims: topical groups, categorical groups, local groups, "manzaneros" and minimum groups.
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insecurity, Argentina, victims, subjectivity

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