The scales of the social
While studying social transformations from the notion of scale is not central to the work of Pérez-Agote, there are multiple insights in his work that are useful in this regard. First, it is based on a multi-scale and multidimensional consideration of social life, which takes into account not only its socio-economics aspects or its political-administrative territorial demarcation but also its symbolic foundation and its relevance to collective identities. His approach allows to examine some of the most debated dislocations of modernity, that globalization has deepened, as the dilemma between the territorial scale where our lives unfold and those other distant scales where the logics that shaped these lives are produced. This perspective also facilitates the consideration of different emerging scales, as the regional or the local. Perez-Agote also offers valuable analysis for the understanding of the scalar structuration of social life away from its comparison with a kind of linear and constant hierarchy between the different scales, and to understand the "jump of scale" and the "politics of scale ". Finally, discussions on the scientific status of the concept of scale are similar to those related to strategic concepts in his work, like the nation.
scale, multi-scale, jumping of scale, scale's dislocations, politics of scale, scalar des/re-articulation
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